Search the Drexel Home for the Jewish Aged
Residents Name Index 1894 - 1943

The Drexel Home For The Jewish Aged
6140 S. Drexel Blvd, Chicago


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A Project of the Jewish Genealogical Society of Illinois






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Enter the surname and/or given name to search the database. If a record exists there will be a link to extensive genealogical info which typically included: when and where born, when came to US, when came to Chicago, occupation, date died, where buried; some have other additional information. The search output will list a link to an image of the biographical data collected during resident intake. NOTE: To view a list of all 717 resident names in the index 'SEARCH' without entering a name.

To ENLARGE the displayed image use your browser's Enlarge or Zoom feature. The FAQ (link below) has details.
NOTE: The images are large file sizes to allow printing (Can be as large as 3MB). If you have any problem with viewing images see FAQ for solutions.

is exactly
sounds like
starts with

Given Name
is exactly
sounds like
starts with


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