Search the Emanuel Cemetery Jewish Database
Emanuel Cemetery - Gate 46
Waldheim Cemetery

Emanual Congregation Cemetery Book Data

The JJCD JGSI Jewish Chicago Database Project
Information including cemeteries and other records contained in the database, and including links to cemetery information (link).

There are 823 records in this database

In 1883 Agnes Sachsel was the earliest burial - and the most recent was in 2004, Rose Finkel.

Search Database

Emanual Gate 46

Cemetery Book image

Emanuel Congregation Cemetery Book Cover

The files below contain images of the pages from the book. These images contain names.
These names are being transcribed into the database.
They will be linked to the Lot image pages allowing researchers to view other buried in the same lot.

Links to all files are PDF files which will download or open in new browser window or tab

Cemetery Plat West (Grave Numbers)
Cemetery plat west single graves (Grave and Lot)
Adults - Single Graves
Infant Single Graves (Lot 217)
Children - Single Graves (Grave Numbers)

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Right Panel

An example of the Lot information available. Select the image to view a larger image that will open in a new browser window or tab.

Lot 108 contains information on the Sachsel family. Addresses and the relationships are listed. And information on graves that have moved. E.g. Agnes and Martha Sachsel. They died August 18, 1883, and January 18, 1889. Agnes is the oldest Emanuel burial. These children were moved to this lot.




