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A Project of the Jewish
Genealogical Society of Illinois


JUF Death Notices and Obituaries

Published by
The Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago

JUF News publishes obituaries as a service to the community.
May the memories of all who have died be a blessing.

JUF maintains current death notices and obituaries on their website. Search JUF's website The JGSI searchable JUF database - below - contains JUF notices and obituraries that may not be online at JUF.org

Search the JGSI JUF
Death Notice & Obituary Database

Search JUF Database

This JGSI Database Contains JUF Obituaries Published for these years by the The Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago



1994 (June-Dec), 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005

Oct, Nov, and Dec deaths may not have been published until the following year. If you search by year, search both years.



Question: My search has resulted in a very large number of records with the name or names in the obituaries I'm searching.
How can I search a displayed list of obituaries
. . .
to find the name or names I'm looking for?

Answer: Most browsers have a search feature. Use the browser help feature for details.
Howver, many broswers use COMMAND KEY + F to allow searching.This is an example using Firefox browser.
To find the next instance of the name hit 'return' and the next name instance will be highlighted.

Image of using browser search feature




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