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A Project of the Jewish
Genealogical Society of Illinois

The JGSI Jewish Chicago Database (JJCD) Project
Information including cemeteries and other records contained in the database with links to cemetery information.


Search The JGSI Jewish Chicago Database (JJCD)
Last updated March 2025; 60 Collections, 124,535 records.
NOTE: This database is a large file (over 28 MB).
Search result display time is based on your internet speed.
If you encounter excessive delays see FAQ for assistance.

is exactly
sounds like
starts with

Given Name
is exactly
sounds like
starts with

Search options can help find information when you’re not sure of the exact spellings or dates.
For example:
. . . "Sounds Like” ROB finds RAAB and RUBY, etc.
. . . “Starts with” ROB finds ROBBIN and ROBIN, etc.
. . . “Contains” ROB finds GROBAN and ROBBIN, etc.

Date Of Birth contains
Date Of Death contains
Date Of Burial contains
Recommend searching dates with a 4 (or 2) digit year.
. . . For example: 1818, 1918, 2018 (or 18). Some dates will be blank.

Includes individual Cemeteries, Memorial Plaques, Obituaries, etc.
. . . Leave this blank for all collections or use the dropdown arrow (v) to view and select one from this list.

Searchable Text contains
Use this to find other Surnames, Cemetery Sections, Plot Locations, Obituary Text, References, etc.

Start search at entry: Records per page: (The number of 'Records Per Page' can be increased.)
If you don’t get any results, try using fewer search values – for example, name only. A simpler search often yields better results.
Search functions recognize special characters (like * or ?) as text - not as wildcards.
The search form and displayed results may vary based on the device and browser used. We recommend updating your browser to the latest version.
Please send questions to: JJCD@JGSI.org

© 2023 This tool was created using Stephen P Morse's One-Step Search Tool generator.