JGSI.org Website Features Guide - An Overview Tour -The website is constantly being updated. Screen images shown may differ from current site content. NOTE: Most images are selectable. |
Website Features Are Available For Every Visitor, with Additional Features for ‘Members Only’GOALS: 1. Educate visitors on available features. 2. Encourage website exploration. You can use this guide in one browser tab while trying features in another - side by side. Or you can use 2 browsers side by side.
My name is Ron Miller, your JGSI.org Webmaster. This presentation reviews the site major features. While most features are only introduced, you are encouraged to explore in depth those that may improve your genealogical education and genealogy research successes. Please contact me with any questions or feedback.
The Jewish Genealogical Society of Illinois (JGSI) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to helping members collect, preserve, and perpetuate the records and history of their ancestors. We serve as a resource for the worldwide community to research their Chicago area Jewish roots. The Society was founded in 1981 and today has over 300 members. After exploring the HOME PAGE features, including member log in, I'll review the public menu links and then the Members Only links. |
The Home PageMember Login is on the top left. You can view your membership profile after you have logged in.
Next meeting information is top right. Note the Links to JGSI social media: Facebook . . . Twiter . . . . Pinterest . . . Google+ Please take a moment to review the public menu links.
Let's start our tour with the Member Profile - View Profile, which is visible when you, as a member, have logged in. |
Member Profile InformationMy directory profile links to my profile information that I can selectively share with other members, or keep private. Note: Members can EDIT their profile by selecting the EDIT PROFILE link. The ‘My Directory Profile’ link (Red box) displays your profile information that other members see. It also has a link so members can email you. Members control what profile items other members can view by selecting the PRIVACY option. And members can modify email subscriptions, upload photos and review their membership invoices. Members can change their membership level and renew their membership from the PROFILE page. Now let’s see what’s in the ABOUT US menu item. |
About Us . . .These page contents are self explanatory.History of our Society: Quoted at the beginning of this tour. Board Members and Volunteers: Names and contact info. Directions to Temple Beth El: Address and Map.
Contact Us
Note the General Inquiries email address and phone number located at the top of the page.
JGSI LIBRARYOur research library has over 800 books. It’s located across from our meeting room; the library is open before meetings. The page contains links to an ONLINE SEARCHABLE CATALOG - called ‘LibraryThing’ which we’ll look at next. Note that there is a QUICK GUIDE PDF that explains how to use Library Thing. |
The LibraryThing websiteHas detailed information about each book, and can be sorted.
Let’s take a look at the Quick Guide for using Library Thing. |
Quick Guide for using Library Thing
There are many search and display options for exploring details of our library holdings.
The next menu item we’ll look at is JGSI PROGRAMS. |
JGSI PROGRAMSJGSI has monthly meetings where topics of interest to those interested in Jewish genealogy are presented. The meeting information and presention topics are posted on the JGSI Programs page, and the 'next month' program snippet is put on the home page.
You can view complete event details by selecting the option to view more details. When viewing the details, there is an option for adding the event to your computer's calendar. The link is on the upper right of the event detail page. You can switch to a calendar view. An example is displayed below the List View (the top image) . At the bottom of either page view you can view a map showing the location of Temple Beth El, request email reminders for upcoming meetings and events, and how to add the event to your computer's calendar program. Past events have links to meeting details, any available handouts, and links to VIDEOS which may be available.
JGSI Jewish Chicago DatabaseThe JGSI Jewish Chicago Database (JJCD) includes information compiled from Chicago area Jewish cemeteries, obituaries, memorial plaques, retirement homes, and other Jewish organizations. Many volunteer hours were spent compiling this information. JGSI is proud to offer free access to both members and non-members. September 2017 there were 95,738 records in the database. Additional collections and updated information is continually being added by JGSI volunteers. The database collection includes:
Search form capabilities included many features:
A FAQ feature answers many questions.
Next we’ll review the MEMBERSHIP menu. |
MEMBERSHIP menuWe’ll not look at each of the benefits listed on the page as they are self explanatory. However, you are encouraged to review them to ensure you are fully taking advantage of your membership benefits. Volunteer
Opportunities Morasha, our JGSI Newsletter Members Helping Members (in Members Directory)
Next menu selection is the Polish Translation Guide. |
Polish Translation Guide“The Guide” A Translation Guide to 19th Century Polish Language Civil Registration Documents Including Birth, Marriage and Death Record, was written by our JGSI member Judy Frazin.
The new and expanded 3rd edition is a user-friendly and practical publication which focuses on 19th-century Polish-language birth, marriage, and death records but also includes many other related topics as follows:
Next we’ll explore RESOURCES |
RESOURCESThese resources can help educate your genealogy and Jewish genealogy education. They may also help with your research. Each resource on the menu will be reviewed. However, you are encouraged to further explore the many resources each contains.
Additional Help With Chicago Area Resources Members are free to contact fellow members through the membership directory. They may also call our help line at 312-666-0100 or send an email to info@jgsi.org with specific questions. For members in the Chicago area, assistance is available on-site at monthly meetings, in our library, and at our computer help desk. E-News JGSI E-News editions contain information on upcoming events, latest research updates, and other issues of interest to our members. Guide to Jewish Genealogy in Chicagoland JGSI past-president and professional genealogist Mike Karsen has written an extensive guide to resources in Chicago. The data is organized by vital records, residence, life in Jewish Chicago, arrival records, and old country information. The Guide is available on the JewishGen.org website. jewishgen.org/InfoFiles/Chicago/ How to Do Genealogy This menu item contains links to websites that have a wealth of information for genealogy beginners. It also notes that JGSI holds Beginner's Workshops every year. JGSI DNA Project Interested in DNA for genealogy? This menu item has information you can use. JGSI Speakers Bureau Need a speaker on Jewish Genealogy topics? Are a speaker with Jewish Genealogy topic expertise? Links to other websites One of the most content loaded menu items. Here you will find a wealth of links that can help in your research, as well as educate you in many areas of genealogy. Other Community Events Located on this link are events and organizations not hosted by JGSI, but may be of interest to those interested in Jewish or general genealogy Members Only Content We’ll explore this Resource that is one of the most important features: The MEMBERS ONLY resources. Theset are located in the Members Only section that will display in the menu after logging in.
MEMBERS ONLY CONTENTLet’s briefly review each benefit's content. Then each will be more fully explored.
Member Forum: Members may post topics, and be notified of posts made by others in any topics of interest. JGSI Conference 2015: Genealogy information Syllabus (72 pages), and videos.
Let’s start exploring JewishData in greater depth. |
JewishData.comThere are about 135,000 headstone images from Chicago area Jewish cemeteries. A subscription based service website that JGS has made available free to members. As a JGSI member, you search JewishData at no additional charge-- a savings to you of $18 every three months! This feature could be especially valuable for those seeking tombstone images. |
Search JewishData by entering a first and/or last name. You may enter an optional year range and cemetery to search, plus Cohen/Levi search options. I entered my mothers name with no other option. The results are displayed as shown. To view the image click on the View or Comment link, shown in red box. Let’s look at the gravestone page, shown below. It also contains a form for at the bottom for adding comments. |
Select the stone image and a larger version will display. You can crop this image if desired.
NOTE: Your displayed member directory page information is controlled by you when you edit your My Member Profile, as previously reviewed. The Member Directory search feature has many options for searching member's directory profiles. This offers the ability to connect with members with common interests. The default view shown is the ADVANCED SEARCH. You may search for:
Have a question about your Genealogy Software program, or what programs to consider using? Contact members to get their feedback using the Member Directory. Notice the box around ‘Genealogy Software Used’ This will allow me to display members and the software they use so I can contact them and get feedback on their software program. For this ADVANCED SEARCH example I selected the option GENEALOGY SOFTWARE USED - NOT EMPTY – to display members and their genealogy software. . Select it by entering an option from the drop down menu that will appear when selected.
As you can see, at the time this search was made, 99 Members have entered the software programs they use . . . . or more accurately, they have filled the ‘Genealogy Sofware Used’ field in their Member Profile. This is a partial look at the first page of the entries. This is a nice feature! I encourage you to explore the Member Directory. And remember, you control what data in your profile is visible to other members. You can view the member’s profile Information they desire to share, which includes their contact information. CLICK on the members NAME, which I have blanked for privacy.
Next, let's see a SIMPLE SEARCH example. |
The Member Directory page shown left allows ‘Simple Search’ to list all members. The below is generated. Notice the 307 members found. And shown is the option for displaying names 1 through 50, with the additional options for displaying more.
To view a member’s Contact and shared profile entries – CLICK on their NAME. Now let's move on to the Members Forum
Members ForumThe Members Forum is a place where you can discuss topics and ask questions on topics, or create a new topic that interests you. You can also just read what other members are discussing and add your comments. Our Forum Coordinator will post any new topic for you. She will review the topics and posted comments . . . and answer any questions you might have. You can receive a summary of all topics and comments and join in the conversation. In addition, you can subscribe to topics that are of interest to you. Some time you may want to join in and become a part of the discussion. Whenever you view a topic you will have an opportunity to subscribe or unsubscribe. NEXT Let’s look a the MEETING HANDOUTS. |
MEETING HANDOUTSThe Meeting Handouts page provides a brief recap of the program or event with links to handouts provided by presenters. Some presentaCons have been video recorded; check the Video Pages for complete lisCngs. So if you cannot attend a meeting or event, you still have information available on the topic if presenters provided handouts. And many presentations are also video taped.
Next let’s look at the Morasha Newsletters. |
Morasha, the JGSI NewsletterOur Morasha Newsletter is a great member benefit. We have online issues from the most current to 2003 issues. Older issues are in our Research Library. Even issues dating from 2003 contain relevant genealogical topics. We encourage you to explore this resource. To view an issue: Select the cover image or the PDF link above it. Notice the size of the Table of Contents image. On older issues you may have to select the smaller image to see a larger Table of Contents image. We hope you enjoy Morasha newsletter issues.
Next . . . Let’s look at the JGSI Meeting Presentations Video page. |
JGSI Meeting Presentation VideosWe have a Video FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions - page. If you don’t see your question answered, please call or email me and I’ll not only answer your question, but I’ll probably add it to the FAQ page. My contact information is in the Membership Our JGSI Meeting Video Presentaions offer a great opportunity for viewing missed presentations as well as seeing them again. Video titles are listed in 3 listing groups: TOPICS: DNA - Family Histories - Research - Resources ALPHABETICAL Order INDIVIDUAL Title with recap and handout links.
Each video has a topic recap, some of video, and link to handouts, if available.
When you select the video’s link we’ll be taken to the video display page where you view the presentation and have links to any handouts. |
The video player page also includes a recap of the presentation as well as a link to download the handout if desired. The handout will open in a new browser tab or window or will be downloaded to your computer depending on the browser you use and the setng you chose. You can switch back and forth between the handout and video if desired. All you need to do is PRESS PLAY and enjoy the video.
The JGSI Conference 2015 . . . . was a 1 day conference. Many interesting and informative topics were presented and seven were video recorded. Note there is a link to the full 72 page conference SYLLABUS which includes handouts and reference materials. The list of available video presentation session Highlighted by the red rectangle. Each session topic is linked to the session information and video link below. Select the desired session video link, for example the HIDDEN GEMS OF JEWISH GENEALOGY . . . and you will be taken to the video page shown on the right.
Press PLAY and enjoy the show.
Now Let’s look at the display if we selected the 2015 SYLLABUS LINK. |
2015 SYLLABUSThe Syllabus' Table of Contents shows the variety of genealogy relevant topics presented. Then details of each session are a wealth of genealogy information you can use. Session materials include content, resources and websites.
Now Let’s look at the 2013 JGSI CONFERENCE |
2013 JGSI CONFERENCEThe Syllabus' Table of Contents shows the variety of genealogy relevant topics presented. Session materials include content, resources and websites. We'll end with the Volunteer menu link |
We'll end with the Volunteer menu link
Volunteers are always welcome. Our success as an organization is due totally to our volunteers. We have many projects that are in progress, and others than can't go forward until volunteers help. The primary roles our volunteers serve include the following. So please consider volunteering. Many project tasks can be done from home! JGSI Library Morasha articles Ride sharing members to meetings and events Membership and Hospitality Indexing, photography, and special projects The Volunteer page has the contact information for each role. This ends the tour! |
JGSI.org Website Features Guide - An Overview Tour - This ends the tourThank you for taking the time becoming acquainted with the many features available on our website. We hope you will visit the website often. Explore and use the many features available. Some of the features that have been introduced have options that may be challenging to use. Highlighting Features Available For Every Visitor and Additional Features for ‘Members Only’ GOALS: 2. Encourage website exploration of features. Please let me know if you have any comments or feedback on this guide. Ron Miller webmaster@jgsi.org |